Electrical and mechanical engineering design and supervision services are provided by Miu Beta Engineers. Services provided in electrical engineering design include power supply and distribution to buildings, extra low voltage services design, rural electrification services and power supply and distribution to industries. Services provided in mechanical engineering include piped services for water, fire and wastewater, air-conditioning and ventilation services, water and wastewater treatment plants designs and vertical transport designs.
CPMS provides civil and structural engineering design and supervision services directly through CPMS Structures Business Unit.
DBC architecture offering is underlined by a desire to imagine and create functional solutions that enhance the quality of life for occupants and users as well as contribute constructively to the environment as a whole. We are dedicated to creating high quality, and functionally elegant design solutions. Our projects range from residential to leisure housing, education, financial services and commercial architecture. We provide technical, operational and training advise for investors commissioning start up education projects.
We also provide services that draw on architectural capabilities to support master-planning, interior design, urban planning, conservation, public space and landscape design as part of our core architecture offering. As a consequence we respond to client needs with architecture provided as part of an integrated multidisciplinary offering or as a stand-alone service. Visit our website
As part of our growth strategy, CPMS is now in the process of developing capacaity in the provsion of infrastructure. The approach adopted is to partner with a company that has considerable expertise and experience in this area and to this extent, we have signed a memoradum of understandin with Stanley Consultants Inc. of USA. CPMS is responsible for sourcing of the projects and provision of the local inputs required while Stanley will provide project expertise and leadership.
The main areas of focus are:
* Power Generation, Transmission & Distribution
* Water Supply & Distribution
* Wastewater Supply and Distribution Systems
* Drainage Systems
* Roads and Highway Design
* Regional, Urban and Town Planning